Understanding auto insurance isn’t usually at the top of everyone’s to-do list. But what is at the top of the list is to keep you and your family protected on the roads. While we strongly recommend you depend on insurance experts such as Sleek & Williamson to guide you through the process, we have gathered some of the most frequently asked questions (FAQs) to help you be better prepared to discuss auto insurance. Here are 6 FAQs in our two-part series of Georgia auto insurance FAQs:
1. DOES THE STATE OF GEORGIA REQUIRE DRIVERS TO CARRY AUTO INSURANCE? – Yes. Insurance in the state of Georgia is mandatory if you own a vehicle.
2. WHAT TYPE OF AUTO INSURANCE COVERAGE IS REQUIRED? Liability is the only coverage required in the state of Georgia. The policy must have the minimum coverage amounts of 25/50/25 to cover injuries or damages you are liable for due to an accident. This translates to bodily injury of $25k per person/$50k for multiple people in an accident; and for property damage of $25k for one incident.
3. SHOULD I CONSIDER ADDITIONAL INSURANCE COVERAGE? We recommend you consider additional auto coverage to maximize your protection. There are many different options from covering you for injuries or your car for damages, to towing and labor to rentals cars, etc. Contact Sleek & Williamson to discuss additional coverage options that are right for you.
4. HOW IS MY INSURANCE RATE DETERMINED? Determining insurance rates can be a complicated formula and it varies by individual. The items that most impact your rate include: age, marital status, county you live in, credit rating and driving record. If you are also insuring a vehicle, the factors that are considered when determining the rate include: the vehicle’s make, model and year. Sleek & Williamson offers several auto discounts, so make sure and ask your agent for more details.
5. WHO IS COVERED ON MY POLICY? Your policy covers you and anyone listed on your policy. In addition, because car insurance follows the car, you can give permission to someone outside the policy to drive your vehicle as long as they are not specifically excluded.
6. DOES MY COVERAGE CHANGE IF I DRIVE OUT OF STATE? Coverage may change if you drive out of state, however it will never be lower than the minimum requirements of the state you reside in. For example, in the state of Georgia we require minimum liability coverage of 25/50/25. If you were driving in Florida where their minimum requirement is 35/50/35, your coverage would adjust while you were in Florida.
We hope that these auto insurance FAQs shed some light on the process of understanding auto insurance coverage in the state of Georgia. Be sure to check back next month while we continue to address several more FAQs regarding auto insurance.
No matter what life situation crosses your path, you can depend on the team at Sleek & Williamson to have you covered. If you have any questions regarding auto insurance or other lines of insurance coverage, please give us a call today at (770) 489-2403.
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