There is no denying that you can’t prevent disasters from happening, but you can take charge of how you respond if you are prepared. Following a few tips to help prepare you in the event you should encounter a disaster will not only help you respond more quickly, but can also save your life and the lives of your loved ones.
1. PLAN OF ACTION: Evaluate the risks of severe weather in your area and plan accordingly. Set up a plan of action with your family and designate a place to meet if your family is separated during a severe weather disaster. Monitor the weather on a regular basis and invest in a quality weather radio. Many smart phones have weather apps that can alert you of severe weather in your area. Designate a safe place to keep all your important documents, such as your insurance policy.
2. EMERGENCY SUPPLY KIT: Be smart and prepare a home emergency preparedness kit. You can find a checklist for one at Ready.Gov. Make sure your kit has enough emergency supplies, dried and canned food and water for at least three days. Store all battery-powered flashlights, lanterns and candles together for quick retrieval.
3. UNDERSTAND YOUR POLICY: It’s important to know and understand your homeowner’s insurance policy. Is it full-coverage? Are there any policy provisions if you didn’t attempt to protect and prepare before your loss? Have you completed a complete inventory of your home assets along with documentation such as photos or video? When you experience a severe weather disaster, it’s difficult to recall from memory all the items that you have in your home. When documenting your inventory, be sure to include serial numbers where applicable. Serial numbers are imperative in identifying the items once they are recovered. This can be accomplished quickly by taking a video of the interior of your home.
If you unfortunately experience a severe weather disaster, please call our office first before turning in a claim. Our experts can advise you if you have coverage for that specific lost and what your next steps should entail. It is never advisable to turn in a claim that isn’t covered.
At Sleek & Williamson, we work with our clients to find the best coverage for their needs. We then make sure to go over their policy so they understand it completely. Having an agent you trust to ensue you are getting the best coverage to protect you and your loved ones is critical.
If you need to review your insurance policy or consider additional coverage, contact the professionals at Sleek & Williamson at (770) 489-2403. If a severe weather disaster does happen, you can be sure we will be there for you every step of the way.
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