You have diligently planned this vacation for months. Your bags are packed, the pets are at the kennel and your kids have “gone to the restroom one last time”. But have you taken the precautions to ensure your home stays protected while you and your family are enjoying your well-deserved vacation? Here are 10 tips to consider when you are planning to leave your home for any extended period of time:
1. HOUSE SITTER – Consider hiring a house or pet sitter to stay in your home. This person can bring in the mail and newspapers, take the garbage to the curb and return it, and water your plants. This is the best solution to minimize the risk of burglars trying to invade your home. A home that looks lived in is a safer home. If you are unable to find someone, ask a neighbor you trust to check your house periodically.
2. YARD AND LANDSCAPING – If you are gone for more than five days, make arrangements to have a neighbor or a lawn service mow your lawn.
3. MAIL DELIVERY – Make arrangements to have your mail and newspaper deliveries stopped until you return home.
4. AUTOMATIC TIMERS – Set automatic timers for lights on the interior and exterior of your home. This is a great way to deter burglars because it gives the illusion someone is home.
5. SECURE VALUABLES – Place any valuables in a locked safe or safety deposit box and keep hidden from view.
6. LOCK UP – Lock all gates, doors and windows on your home and properpty. If garage doors are automatic, unplug the opening device and lock the doors.
7. PARKED CAR – Park a spare car in your driveway in plain view from the road. If this isn’t possible, ask a neighbor if they wouldn’t mind parking their car in your driveway.
8. SECURITY SYSTEM – Having a home security system with monitoring is strongly recommend to deter burglars whether you are on vacation or at home.
9. AVOID STATUS POSTINGS – Tech-savvy burglars are waiting for you to post a status update with your location giving them the green light to potentially invade your home.
10. HOMEOWNERS INSURANCE – Make it a priority to know your policy coverage and have detailed documentation of your inventory in the event your home is invaded. On your inventory, be sure to include serial numbers to aid in identifying the items stolen or damaged. We recommend you also take video of the interior and exterior of your home and property. And if you unfortunately experience a home invasion, call our office first at (770) 489-2403 before filing an insurance claim. We will advise you on the proper procedures for filing a claim and be there for you every step of the way.
At Sleek & Williamson, we strive to provide the best coverage for our clients to protect your loved ones and assets. Don’t let the anticipation of an upcoming vacation hinder you from considering the risks of leaving your home unprotected. Follow these suggested tips and contact us to discuss your policy if necessary. No matter what life situation crosses your path, you can depend on the team at Sleek & Williamson to have you covered. Contact us today at (770) 489-2403.
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