Purchasing a home is no doubt a great investment. In fact, it’s probably the biggest and most important investment that the majority of people make. It’s not only a financial investment, but it is the place that you will put down roots and make life-long memories with your family. But even knowing the money that goes into securing a home for your family, many forget how important it is to acquire an insurance policy for the home itself. When you purchase a vehicle, the next step that most take is to get an insurance policy to cover that investment in the case of an accident. But home-owner’s insurance sometimes gets put aside, which can result in disaster.
Think of home insurance as a huge safety net. If something unfortunate happens, you will have the peace of mind knowing you are covered. At Sleek & Williamson, we will work with you to create a customized policy to fit within your budget.
Options may include:
- Damages to your home’s physical structure
- Damages to other structures like a garage or shed
- Your personal belongings – whether in your home or elsewhere
- Extra coverage for valuable items
- Temporary living expenses if necessary in the event of a covered loss
- Your personal liability in the event someone is injured or their property is damaged at your home
For more information contact us today! We will be glad to speak with you about why home insurance is important and help you create your own custom policy.
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