Summer vacations have begun and excited families are pilling into minivans across the nation to hit the open road. Whether you are traveling this upcoming Memorial Day weekend with approximately 700,000 other road warriors or throughout the summer, it’s important to do some prep work to help make your trip safer. Here are 5 road trip safety tips to help protect you and your loved ones during travel:
Tip #1 – GET A TUNE-UP
While it’s important to always keep your vehicle in the best shape possible, we strongly recommend you get a tune-up before a road trip. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) recommends you have your tires, battery, belts, fluids and air conditioner checked by a qualified mechanic.
Being prepared in the event of an accident or medical issue is important. We recommend packing an emergency kit with supplies such as a flashlight, first-aid kit and a blanket. Don’t forget to pack water and extra snacks as well.
Don’t overload your car to the point that it puts you in danger on the road. Make sure you can see clearly out the back and side windows. Secure any items that may cause harm in the event of an accident or just simply slamming on the brakes. If using roof-top cargo boxes, make sure to fill with light, bulky items so the risk of rolling your vehicle in an emergency situation is decreased.
It’s important to understand your policy and revaluate if necessary. Before you hit the road this summer, contact Sleek & Williamson to see what is the best automobile insurance coverage available to fit your needs. We want to help protect you and your loved ones in the event of an accident.
According to the NHTSA, driving drowsy is a contributing factor in 100,000 accidents annually. Switch off with another adult driver when necessary and get a good night’s sleep prior to your trip. Here’s a list of simple things you can do to drive more safely.
No matter what life situation crosses your path, you can depend on the team at Sleek & Williamson to have you covered. If you have any questions regarding auto insurance or other lines of insurance coverage, please give us a call today at (770) 489-2403.
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